Audio -> Audio Visual

I sometimes have the pleasure of working on audio visual projects, usually designed in Max/MSP.

IDP Project

The following is a university project that I worked on for my Integrated Development Project (IDP) module. Our team were tasked with generating audio from video data to represent a theme or an emotion. We decided that our theme would be 'dreams/serenity', and that we would use colour changes in our video to trigger and generate music. My role in the team was to build an algorithm that generated MIDI as music from a real-time input of R,G,B colour data. I also designed the algorithm to send the generated MIDI from Max/MSP to Reason, so that we had high quality musical sounds being triggered. Some aspect of the video data was also used to change the tempo in Reason, which had an effect on the delay FX time parameters of the musical sounds, causing noise artifacts to be generated along with the rest of the soundtrack. 

 Here in this video you can see the algorithm in Max/MSP, the Reason window, and of course the video that is triggering all of the audio through colour changes.

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